domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Airlock with Workstation

Idiocy - the most severe form of mental retardation (mental failure) is characterized by the virtual absence of mental reactions and speech, inability to mastering simple skills. Among the later manifestations - deafness, paralysis, tantalizingly retardation. Ileus Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light violation of the passage of the contents of the intestines, appears delayed stool and gas, acute abdominal pain, vomiting, and often phenomena Seriously Ill intoxication and dehydration (dehydration). Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin. Idiopathic - unknown causes. Mechanical ventilation - ventilation. Evnuhoidizm - a condition characterized by decreased function of the testes. Diathermy - a method of electrotherapy, which uses a local or the overall impact on the patient's body alternating electric current high frequency, high power, leading to an increase in temperature tissues. Nuclear jaundice - a severe form of neonatal jaundice, in which bile pigments and degenerative changes in the gray obnaruzhivayuts substance of the brain (particularly in the nuclei tantalizingly barrel). All These solutions are used in the treatment of various diseases in order to removal of intoxication and other manifestations of the disease. When idiocy a person is unable to self-service, fully socially maladjusted, often do not recognize relatives, including his mother. Manifestations of the disease depend on the tantalizingly of the stone, the impact of stone on the wall of bile ducts. Currently, eugenics can be regarded as a complex of measures aimed at prevention of genetic abnormalities. Jaundice - increased serum levels of bile pigments obuslovlivayuschee yellowish skin, sclera and tantalizingly deeply lying tissues. Diuretics - drug causes increased urination. Acute abdomen - a clinical term for a serious condition patient with acute abdominal disease (intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, acute appendicitis, acute adnexitis, etc) requiring urgent surgical intervention, the term can be consumed only in the preliminary diagnosis at the direction of hospital. Distinguish: dynamic ileus, caused by spastic reduction any segment of bowel mechanical ileus - obstruction intestine caused, the presence tantalizingly mechanical obstruction (bile stone, foreign body, tumor, etc.) tantalizingly . Izotransplantatsiya - transplantation (transplant), produced by complete antigenic tissue matching of donor and recipient. Natural selection - the concept, formulated by Charles Darwin. Goiter - abnormally tantalizingly thyroid gland. Manifested drowsiness, poor sucking, changing reflections. The main causes of iron deficiency anemia is recurrent bleeding is usually low intensity: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hemorrhoids, metrorrhagia, etc. Isotonic rasvtory, in contrast to the hypertensive and hypertensive (not used for intravenous administration) do not lead to hemolysis red blood cells after intravenous injection. Zone Zakharyin-Ged - an area of skin with pain and temperature increased sensitivity, resulting in diseases of certain internal bodies. Are 3 types of jaundice: Hemolytic Jaundice Length of Stay caused by intensive disintegration (hemolysis) erythrocytes; obstructive jaundice occurs as a result of mechanical barriers to the outflow Number Needed to Treat bile into the duodenum (at cholelithiasis with biliary tract cancer); hepatic jaundice is caused by lesions of the liver tissue in hepatitis different etiologies (viral, toxic, reactive).

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