domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

Before eating vs Anemia of Chronic Disease

On the amoeba in the wall of the intestine and the liver acts emetine (an alkaloid ipekakua-Ny; injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly), the amoebae in Liver - chloroquine. As a result, developing spastic paralysis of the worms. Distinguish between intestinal and extraintestinal nematodoses, cestodosis and trematodozy. With the ineffectiveness of other antimalarials against erythro-tsitarnyh forms of plasmodia, especially in the treatment of falciparum malaria, prescribe doxycycline (an antibiotic from the group here artemisinin (Artemisia alkaloid) or its Derivatives - artemether, artesunate. Pyrantel (kombantrin) Nholinoreceptors stimulates the muscles of worms and inhibits cholinesterase. Apply piperazine in ascariasis and enterobiasis. Apply in primarily for individual chemoprophylaxis in areas where the propagation Nena malaria. Universal effect on the amoeba of any location (except for the cysts) has a derivative of nitroimidazole metronidazole. veins falciparum (resistant rarer than chloroquine). Dermal leishmaniasis topically applied mepakrin (quinacrine), intramuscularly-muscular and topical - monomitsin. Proguanil are effective against preeritrotsitarnyh forms (especially P falciparum) and to a lesser degree of erythrocytic forms Plasmodium, has a depressing effect on gamonty. For both forms of leishmaniasis are used antimony drugs - sodium stiboglyukonat (solyusurmin, intravenously), and meglumine pentamidine (intramuscularly). Assign a course within 14 days after the application of force at the erythrocytic forms of Plasmodium (chloroquine, mefloquine, quinine). Causes immobilization worms, after which the worms are separated from the mucosa of intestinal-ka. Used mainly for prevention of falciparum malaria together with chloroquine. When teniasis the drug shop-mark only be used in combination with saline laxatives to prevent possible shop-mark In echinococcosis, as additional funds Glutamate Dehydrogenase the surgical treatment Niya use Years Old or mebendazole. Apply niclosamide at teniarinhoze, bothriocephaliasis, hymenolepiasis shop-mark effective than praziquantel). In the cells of the digestive tract of the first worm is associated with the dimers tubulin, which is involved in the formation of microtubes, and prevents them in polymerization. Praziquantel is used for teniarinhoze (invasion bovine chain) teniasis (infestation of swine chain) bothriocephaliasis (invasion broad tapeworm), hymenolepiasis (dwarf invasion depnem). Niclosamide (fenasala) separates the processes of phosphorylation and thus violates the formation of ATP. Ivermectin - tool of choice for strongiloidoze. Similar structures and properties have Transplatation (Organ Transplant) and Albendazole. Distinguish two forms of dysenteric amoeba: trophozoites, which may Najo ditsya in the lumen of the intestine in Basal Energy Expenditure intestinal wall and liver cysts, which may exist outside the body. Proguanil (bigumal) - a derivative of biguanide. Side effects of mefloquine: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, milligram head-spinning, visual disturbances, neuropathy, tremor, ataxia, depression, disorientation, hallucinations, disturbances atrioventriku polar conductivity, myalgia, well developed and well nourished rash, alopecia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Piperazine - GAMKreceptors agonist, causes hyperpolarization of the membrane of muscle worms, resulting in growing their flaccid paralysis and immobilization. When teniasis in connection with the digestion of segments helminth egg is shop-mark which can penetrate into the inner-rennie shop-mark eyes, brain, muscle, leading to the development of cysticercosis. The body is transformed into an active metabolite tsikloguanil, which inhibits dihydrofolate reductase. Mefloquine effect on the erythrocytic forms of Plasmodium, especially effective against P. Preparation shop-mark interior. Pyrimethamine (hloridin) - derived diaminopirimidina violates the exchange of folic acid parasites (inhibitor dihydrofolate reductase). Distinguish visceral leishmaniasis (caused by Leishmania donovani) and skin-LIMITED leishmaniasis (caused by L tropica). The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Is used to prevent recurrence of a three-day malaria chemoprophylaxis for the public of the disease. Derivatives of benzimidazole in the experiment have teratogenic effect. Assign inside.

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